Plant a tree

To date within the framework of the project 111299 tree is planted

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First name and last name Action name Date Amount/Tree
İsmayıllı rayon F.Əzimov adına Uşaq İncəsənət məktəbi
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 29.04.2024

100.00 ₼ / 100 tree icon

Zülfiyyə Rüstəmova
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 23.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Reyhanə Tacızadə
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 23.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Fatimə Əliyeva
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 20.04.2024

3.00 ₼ / 3 tree icon

Aytac Əlvanlı
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 19.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Abasova Ləman
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 19.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Rahim Məmmədov
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 19.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Elşən Məmmədov
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 19.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Sumayə Yusubova
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 19.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Gülnar Yusibova
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 19.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Aytac Nəcəfli
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 19.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Turan Rəfiyeva
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 19.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Aynur Qurbanova
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 19.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Arzu Səmədova
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 19.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Araz Hüseyn
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 19.04.2024

3.00 ₼ / 3 tree icon

Elnur Nurməmmədov
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 19.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Nahid Ağamirzəyev
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 19.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Eldəniz Ağayev
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 19.04.2024

2.00 ₼ / 2 tree icon

Sevil Nəbiyeva
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 19.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Şirin Qədirov
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 19.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Xalidə Novruzova
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 18.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Elçin Novruzov
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 18.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Vüsal Abdullayev
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 18.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Nicat Abdullazadə
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 18.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Melisa Abdullazadə
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 18.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Sahibə Abdullayeva
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 18.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Əlisultan Sadıxov
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 18.04.2024

5.00 ₼ / 5 tree icon

Teymur Əzizli
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 18.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Məhəmməd Qədirov
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 18.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Arzu Mustafayeva
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 18.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Samir Zulfiyev
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 18.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Nəzakət Salmanova
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 18.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 16.04.2024

100.00 ₼ / 100 tree icon

Vüsal Alıyev
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 09.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon



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