Plant a tree

To date within the framework of the project 111406 tree is planted

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First name and last name Action name Date Amount/Tree
Elnarə Əsədullayeva
Green Future 03.02.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Nərgiz Əsədullayeva
Green Future 03.02.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Hüseyn Əsədullayev
Green Future 03.02.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

İman Quliyev
Green Future 03.02.2023

50.00 ₼ / 50 tree icon

Gaz Oil Building
Green Future 03.02.2023

200.00 ₼ / 200 tree icon

Aytən Seyidova
Green Future 20.02.2023

5.00 ₼ / 5 tree icon

Təhminə Qafarova
Green Future 01.02.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Hakan Kalender
Green Future 01.02.2023

10.00 ₼ / 10 tree icon

Namiq Hüseynli
Green Future 01.02.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Ülviyyə Hacızadə
Green Future 01.02.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Yasir Sədizadə
Green Future 31.01.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Gülnarə Abbasova
Green Future 31.01.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Aişə Cabbarlı
Green Future 20.06.2023

11.00 ₼ / 11 tree icon

Leyla Cabbarlı
Green Future 11.03.2023

11.00 ₼ / 11 tree icon

Alxan İbrahimov
Green Future 08.02.2023

5.00 ₼ / 5 tree icon

Turə Həsənova
Green Future 30.01.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Aydan İsayeva
January 30 - Professional holiday of custom officers 30.01.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Dəniz İsayeva
January 30 - Professional holiday of custom officers 30.01.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

İsa İsayev
January 30 - Professional holiday of custom officers 30.01.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Toğrul Həziyev
Green Future 30.01.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

January 30 - Professional holiday of custom officers 30.01.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

January 30 - Professional holiday of custom officers 30.01.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Mehdi Məmmədli
Green Future 29.01.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Əfqan Abbasov
Green Future 28.01.2023

20.00 ₼ / 20 tree icon

Cəlal Ağazadə
Green Future 28.01.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Dünya Həsilova
Green Future 28.01.2023

10.00 ₼ / 10 tree icon

Yeganə Şəmiyeva
Green Future 28.01.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Rəvan Teymurov
Green Future 29.01.2023

5.00 ₼ / 5 tree icon

Xalis Nebiyev
Green Future 27.01.2023

5.00 ₼ / 5 tree icon

Ramin Zamanov
Green Future 17.02.2023

100.00 ₼ / 100 tree icon

Ramin Zamanov
Green Future 18.02.2023

2.00 ₼ / 2 tree icon

Aysel Süleymanova
Green Future 27.01.2023

10.00 ₼ / 10 tree icon

Nazim Imamverdiyev
Green Future 29.01.2023

5.00 ₼ / 5 tree icon

Minaya Imamverdiyeva
Green Future 29.01.2023

5.00 ₼ / 5 tree icon

Yusif Əliyev
Green Future 27.01.2023

5.00 ₼ / 5 tree icon

Kamran Suleymanli
Green Future 27.01.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Rəna Hacıyeva
Green Future 27.01.2023

3.00 ₼ / 3 tree icon

Jalə Şəmiyeva
Green Future 27.01.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Rüfət Səbzəliyev
Green Future 27.01.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Rəfi Ağayev
Green Future 27.01.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Fatimə İslamova
Green Future 27.01.2023

10.00 ₼ / 10 tree icon

Emin Qarabagli
Green Future 27.01.2023

10.00 ₼ / 10 tree icon

İlahə İbrahimova
Green Future 27.01.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Vüsal Nəcəfov
Green Future 29.01.2023

3.00 ₼ / 3 tree icon

Surxay Şükürov
Green Future 27.01.2023

5.00 ₼ / 5 tree icon

Tural Mammadov
Green Future 27.01.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Şəfəq Haşımova
Green Future 27.01.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Toğrul Feyziyev
Green Future 27.01.2023

5.00 ₼ / 5 tree icon

Səyyarə Məmmədova
Green Future 27.01.2023

10.00 ₼ / 10 tree icon

Xanım Əfəndiyeva
Green Future 27.01.2023

5.00 ₼ / 5 tree icon

Rüstəm Həsənov
Green Future 27.01.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Məzahir Əfəndiyev
Green Future 31.01.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon



The Sustainable Development Goals require countries to follow the principle of "leaving no one behind" and mobilize all their efforts to combat climate change over the years. United by these goals, we say no to futureless, uneven, technologically retarded development!