Plant a tree

To date within the framework of the project 111413 tree is planted

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First name and last name Action name Date Amount/Tree
Faig Bayramov
Green Future - Socar Trading 08.11.2023

38.00 ₼ / 38 tree icon

Socar Trading
Green Future - Socar Trading 08.11.2023

38.00 ₼ / 38 tree icon

Aurica Rosioru
Green Future - Socar Trading 08.11.2023

38.00 ₼ / 38 tree icon

İlqar Aslanov
Birthday 06.11.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Deloitte & Touche MMAC DTT
Green Future 05.11.2023

500.00 ₼ / 500 tree icon

Şəfi Rəsulov
Green Future 04.11.2023

2.00 ₼ / 2 tree icon

Birthday 03.11.2023

5.00 ₼ / 5 tree icon

Green Future 03.11.2023

7.00 ₼ / 7 tree icon

Green Future 03.11.2023

96.00 ₼ / 96 tree icon

Fidan Bagishli
Green Future 02.11.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Minaya Jamilova
Green Future 01.11.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Məryəm Şahmarlı
Green Future 01.11.2023

10.00 ₼ / 10 tree icon

Khayala Suleymanlı
Green Future 01.11.2023

10.00 ₼ / 10 tree icon

Maya Alakbarova
Green Future 08.11.2023

8.00 ₼ / 8 tree icon

Nigar Ağayeva Zaur
Green Future 01.11.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Esma Şahmarlı
Green Future 01.11.2023

15.00 ₼ / 15 tree icon

Farah Muxtarzade
Green Future 01.11.2023

20.00 ₼ / 20 tree icon

Məlahət Əliyeva
Green Future 01.11.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Alina Nuri
Green Future 01.11.2023

11.00 ₼ / 11 tree icon

Aydan Asadzada
Green Future 01.11.2023

3.00 ₼ / 3 tree icon

Aliyya Alakbarova
Green Future 01.11.2023

5.00 ₼ / 5 tree icon

Mira Memmedzade
Green Future 09.11.2023

6.00 ₼ / 6 tree icon

Vilayat Muslumzada
Green Future 01.11.2023

10.00 ₼ / 10 tree icon

Aydan Asadzade
Green Future 01.11.2023

3.00 ₼ / 3 tree icon

Oqtay Əsədov
Birthday 01.11.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Ruhulla Abbasov
Green Future 01.11.2023

10.00 ₼ / 10 tree icon

Nigar Bahadur qızı Baxşəliyeva
Memorial day 01.11.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Gülər Ağa qızı Baxşəliyeva
Memorial day 01.11.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Elçin Baxşıyev
Green Future 31.10.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Samire Baxşıyeva
Green Future 31.10.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Çimnaz Abbasova
Green Future 31.10.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Kəmalə Abbasova
Green Future 31.10.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Günel Mustafayeva
Green Future 31.10.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Nəzirə Mustafayeva
Green Future 31.10.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Birthday 30.10.2023

7.00 ₼ / 7 tree icon

Baku-Oxford School
Green Future 01.11.2023

100.00 ₼ / 100 tree icon

Green Future 26.10.2023

2230.00 ₼ / 2230 tree icon

Flora Əhmədova
Birthday 23.10.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Aytən Əliyeva
October 20 - Energy workers' day 20.10.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

İbrahim Allahverdiyev
Birthday 20.10.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Green Future 20.10.2023

10.00 ₼ / 10 tree icon

Səbinə Əhmədova
Green Future 20.10.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Nurlana Məsiyeva
October 20 - Energy workers' day 20.10.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Rəna Əzimzadə
October 20 - Energy workers' day 20.10.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Rəsul Allahverdiyev
October 20 - Energy workers' day 20.10.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Rəsul Allahverdiyev
October 20 - Energy workers' day 20.10.2023

5.00 ₼ / 5 tree icon

Rəsul Allahverdiyev
Green Future 20.10.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Ayaz Abbasov
October 20 - Energy workers' day 20.10.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Afər Quliyev
October 20 - Energy workers' day 20.10.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Kamil Səmədov
October 20 - Energy workers' day 20.10.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Fərid Dərziyev
October 20 - Energy workers' day 20.10.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Şahin Məhərrəmli
October 20 - Energy workers' day 20.10.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Aynur Vlasova
October 20 - Energy workers' day 20.10.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Səbuhi Qasımov
October 20 - Energy workers' day 20.10.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Ağa Hacızadə
October 20 - Energy workers' day 20.10.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Rasul Allahverdiyev
October 20 - Energy workers' day 20.10.2023

10.00 ₼ / 10 tree icon

Ozal Feyzili
October 20 - Energy workers' day 20.10.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Şaiq Quliyev
October 20 - Energy workers' day 20.10.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Kamal Quluzadə
October 20 - Energy workers' day 20.10.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Tamilla Əhmədova
October 20 - Energy workers' day 20.10.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Aydan Əsədzadə
Green Future 20.10.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Isa Abilov
Green Future 26.10.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Əlifağa Bəhruz oğlu Dadaşov
Birthday 19.10.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Fidan Haqverdiyeva
Green Future 18.10.2023

20.00 ₼ / 20 tree icon

Birthday 17.10.2023

7.00 ₼ / 7 tree icon

Birthday 17.10.2023

5.00 ₼ / 5 tree icon

Birthday 17.10.2023

7.00 ₼ / 7 tree icon

Ənvər Əsədov
Birthday 16.10.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Sevil Babayeva
Green Future 16.10.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Elşad Əyyubov
Green Future 12.10.2023

2.00 ₼ / 2 tree icon

Amil Babayev
Green Future 12.10.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Elçin Xəlilbəyli
Green Future 12.10.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Günəş Babayeva
Green Future 12.10.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Günəş Əkbərova
Green Future 12.10.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Ceyran Mustafazadə
Green Future 10.10.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Murad Alıyev
Green Future 10.10.2023

5.00 ₼ / 5 tree icon

Mehman Həsənov
Green Future 08.10.2023

5.00 ₼ / 5 tree icon

Yusuf Karimli
Green Future 04.10.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Qənirə Paşayeva
Memorial day 02.10.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Gülay Qasımlı
Birthday 29.09.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Birthday 28.09.2023

5.00 ₼ / 5 tree icon

Birthday 28.09.2023

5.00 ₼ / 5 tree icon

Birthday 27.09.2023

5.00 ₼ / 5 tree icon

Meryem Memmedova
Green Future 25.09.2023

5.00 ₼ / 5 tree icon

Qenber Suvanverdiyev
Green Future 25.09.2023

5.00 ₼ / 5 tree icon

Səadət Ənvər qızı Fərəcova
Birthday 24.09.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Birthday 22.09.2023

5.00 ₼ / 5 tree icon

Şəhid baş leytenant Bağırov Elçin
Memorial day 20.09.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Samir Şərbətov
Newborn baby (boy) 19.09.2023

2.00 ₼ / 2 tree icon

Birthday 18.09.2023

5.00 ₼ / 5 tree icon

Ənvər Əsədov
Memorial day 18.09.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Zeynəb Oruclu
September 15 - Knowledge Day 15.09.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

İlqar, Emiliya, Gülizar, Ayan, Əmir, Niyaz
September 15 - Knowledge Day 15.09.2023

6.00 ₼ / 6 tree icon

Green Future 15.09.2023

5.00 ₼ / 5 tree icon

Safiya Qurbanova
September 15 - Knowledge Day 15.09.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Ayan Şahin qızı Həsənəliyeva
September 15 - Knowledge Day 15.09.2023

5.00 ₼ / 5 tree icon

Ayan Həsənəliyeva Şahin qızı
Green Future 15.09.2023

5.00 ₼ / 5 tree icon

Cahid Məmmədli
September 15 - Knowledge Day 15.09.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Nizaməddin Rzayev
September 15 - Knowledge Day 15.09.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Nizaməddin Rzayeva
September 15 - Knowledge Day 15.09.2023

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon



The Sustainable Development Goals require countries to follow the principle of "leaving no one behind" and mobilize all their efforts to combat climate change over the years. United by these goals, we say no to futureless, uneven, technologically retarded development!