Plant a tree

To date within the framework of the project 111413 tree is planted

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First name and last name Action name Date Amount/Tree
Şahmar-8 ç Tağızadə
March 21 - International Day of Forests 22.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Altunay-8 ç Əzimli
March 21 - International Day of Forests 22.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Tahir -8 ç Hüseynov
March 21 - International Day of Forests 22.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Elnur Nurməmmədov
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 19.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Nahid Ağamirzəyev
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 19.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Eldəniz Ağayev
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 19.04.2024

2.00 ₼ / 2 tree icon

Gulsen Cabbarova
Green Future 19.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Sevil Nəbiyeva
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 19.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Səbinə Bağırlı
Green Future 19.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Jalə Səməndərli
Green Future 19.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Səbirə Allahverdiyeva
Green Future 19.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Şəlalə Əliyeva
Green Future 19.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Aygün Ağayeva
Green Future 19.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Şirin Qədirov
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 19.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Afaq Şamilli
Green Future 19.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Mayıl Fərəcov
Green Future 19.04.2024

2.00 ₼ / 2 tree icon

Xalidə Novruzova
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 18.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Elçin Novruzov
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 18.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Yaqub səfərov
Green Future 18.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Vüsal Abdullayev
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 18.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Nicat Abdullazadə
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 18.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Melisa Abdullazadə
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 18.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Sahibə Abdullayeva
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 18.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Əlisultan Sadıxov
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 18.04.2024

5.00 ₼ / 5 tree icon

Gülər Abdullayeva
Green Future 18.04.2024

2.00 ₼ / 2 tree icon

Teymur Əzizli
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 18.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Məhəmməd Qədirov
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 18.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Arzu Mustafayeva
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 18.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Samir Zulfiyev
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 18.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Şövkət Əli qızı Salmanova
June 17 - World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought 17.06.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Nəzakət Salmanova
April 22 - International Earth Day 22.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Green Future 17.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Səbuhi Kərimli
Green Future 17.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Eldəniz Əmirov
April 22 - International Earth Day 22.04.2024

5.00 ₼ / 5 tree icon

Nəzakət Salmanova
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 18.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Günel Mahir qızı Bayramova
Birthday 16.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Fuad Məlikzadə
Green Future 16.04.2024

5.00 ₼ / 5 tree icon

Birthday 16.04.2024

5.00 ₼ / 5 tree icon

Birthday 16.04.2024

5.00 ₼ / 5 tree icon

April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 16.04.2024

100.00 ₼ / 100 tree icon

Xatın Babayeva
Birthday 14.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Elnurə Şərifzadə
Birthday 14.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Əli Salmanov
Birthday 14.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Vüsal Alıyev
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 09.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Birthday 08.04.2024

32.00 ₼ / 32 tree icon

Sema Hüseynova
Green Future 08.04.2024

2.00 ₼ / 2 tree icon

Ayla Abdullayeva
Green Future 07.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Əziz Qədirli
Green Future 07.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Saleh və Nailə
Green Future 07.04.2024

2.00 ₼ / 2 tree icon

Vüqar Zəkəryazadə
Green Future 07.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Orxan Turabov
Green Future 07.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Əsnad Mahmudzadə
Green Future 07.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Xanım Xanaliyeva
Green Future 07.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Leyla Zəkəryazadə
Green Future 07.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Nuray Bədəlova
Green Future 07.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Səma Turabova
Green Future 07.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Zivər Abdullayeva
Green Future 07.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Səma Bilalova
Green Future 07.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Fərəc Aslanov
Green Future 07.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Xubuzər Quliyeva
Green Future 22.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 06.04.2024

5.00 ₼ / 5 tree icon

Əntiqə Məmmədova
Green Future 06.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Cəlilova Ülviyyə
Green Future 06.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Əziz Quliyev
Green Future 06.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Nara Süleymanova
Green Future 06.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Birthday 06.04.2024

5.00 ₼ / 5 tree icon

Nigar Cəfərova
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 05.04.2024

2.00 ₼ / 2 tree icon

Reyhan Səfərova
Green Future 05.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Gulnar İbrahimli
Green Future 04.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Jalə Hacıyeva
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 04.04.2024

3.00 ₼ / 3 tree icon

Murad Hasanov
Green Future 03.04.2024

5.00 ₼ / 5 tree icon

Nailə Əmirova
Green Future 04.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Ana García Armada
English - Congratulations 2 03.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Rüfət Əzizov
Green Future 03.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Elmar Xəlilov
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 03.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Venera Qarayeva
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 03.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Fatimə İsmayıllı
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 03.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Anar Məmmədli
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 03.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Həmayil Musayeva
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 03.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Ədalət Muradlı
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 03.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Nailə Mikayilova
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 03.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Hüseynov Nihad
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 03.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Həsənova Lalə
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 03.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Şamil Babayev
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 03.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Şəhla Mirzəyeva
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 03.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Müşviq Məmmədov
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 03.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Dilbər Dərgahova
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 03.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

İdris Yunusov
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 03.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Kənan Əhmədzadə
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 03.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Nigar Əhmədli
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 03.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Zeynəb Quliyeva
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 03.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Şoldubanova Aysun
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 03.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Süleyman Süleymanlı
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 03.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Səlimə Dadaşova
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 03.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Ləman Xudiyeva
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 03.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Şirxan Salmanov
Green Future 03.04.2024

10.00 ₼ / 10 tree icon

Elgün Babayev
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 02.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Xədicə Şəkərova
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 02.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Samir Hebibov
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 02.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Eyla Abasova
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 02.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon



The Sustainable Development Goals require countries to follow the principle of "leaving no one behind" and mobilize all their efforts to combat climate change over the years. United by these goals, we say no to futureless, uneven, technologically retarded development!