Plant a tree

To date within the framework of the project 111413 tree is planted

search icon
First name and last name Action name Date Amount/Tree
Green Future 30.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Natəvan Rüstəmova
Green Future 30.03.2024

10.00 ₼ / 10 tree icon

Zəhra Rəsulzadə
Green Future 31.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Ləman Xələfova
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 31.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Nərmin Əlizadə
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 31.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Xəyal Qəhrəmanov
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 31.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Vəkil Cəfərli
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 30.03.2024

5.00 ₼ / 5 tree icon

Tovuz Gənclər Evi
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 30.03.2024

10.00 ₼ / 10 tree icon

Kamil Yaqubov
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 31.03.2024

5.00 ₼ / 5 tree icon

Füzuli Gənclər evi
Green Future 30.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Pərvin Qasımova
Green Future 31.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Səmədağa Məmmədov
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 31.03.2024

10.00 ₼ / 10 tree icon

Fərid Səfərli
Green Future 31.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Ağstafa Gənclər evi
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 31.03.2024

30.00 ₼ / 30 tree icon

İbrahim Mahiroğlu
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 30.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Marat Əsgərov
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 30.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Qaradağ Gənclər evi
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 30.03.2024

10.00 ₼ / 10 tree icon

Jalə Kərimli
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 30.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Qaradağ Gənclər evi
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 30.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Nicat Vekilov
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 31.03.2024

5.00 ₼ / 5 tree icon

Seyfəddin Maqsudov
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 31.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Mahmud Mammadzada
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 01.04.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Mahmud Mammadzada
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 31.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Qaradağ Gənclər evi
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 31.03.2024

10.00 ₼ / 10 tree icon

Altay Babazadə
Green Future 30.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Nərminə Ələkbərova
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 30.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Natəvan Əhmədova
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 31.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Mehriban Əliyeva
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 30.03.2024

3.00 ₼ / 3 tree icon

Alixan Abasov
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 30.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Aqşin Abasov
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 30.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Nəcabət Abasova
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 30.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Qəmər Abasova
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 30.03.2024

2.00 ₼ / 2 tree icon

Aydın Abasov
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 30.03.2024

2.00 ₼ / 2 tree icon

Tural Abasov
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 30.03.2024

3.00 ₼ / 3 tree icon

Fatımakhanım Gasımova
Green Future 30.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Vafakhanim Gasimova
Green Future 30.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Təhminə Əliyeva
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 29.03.2024

5.00 ₼ / 5 tree icon

Qusar Rəsm
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 29.03.2024

2.00 ₼ / 2 tree icon

Kənan-Bircə Bayramovlar ailəsi
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 29.03.2024

10.00 ₼ / 10 tree icon

Fidan Paşazadə
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 29.03.2024

5.00 ₼ / 5 tree icon

Lalə İsmayılova
Green Future 29.03.2024

5.00 ₼ / 5 tree icon

Kamran Əliyev
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 29.03.2024

10.00 ₼ / 10 tree icon

Nariman Böyükkişi
Green Future 29.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Elvin Ramazanov
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 29.03.2024

2.00 ₼ / 2 tree icon

Samira Zeynalova
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 31.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Arzu Süleymanova
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 29.03.2024

5.00 ₼ / 5 tree icon

Hüseyn Dərya Muradov
Memorial day 29.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Almaz Axundova
Birthday 29.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Tərlan Məmmədov
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 29.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Əlisafa Agayev
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 29.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Anar Hacibalayev
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 31.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Könül Hacibalayeva
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 31.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

İlham Beybutov
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 29.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Elmar Məlikov
Green Future 29.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Xanim Məlikova
Green Future 29.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Baba Məlikov
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 29.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Aysel Melikova
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 28.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Fuad Yusifov
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 28.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Tuncay Məlikov
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 28.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Afat Abidova
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 28.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Semseddin Orucov
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 28.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Sevinc Quliyeva
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 28.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Aydin Quliyev
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 28.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Kenan Hesenli
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 28.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Tamerlan Sultanli
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 28.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Ali Turabov
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 28.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Əzizov Həzrət
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 28.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Mətin Zeynallı
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 28.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Zərifə Əlirzayeva
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 28.03.2024

2.00 ₼ / 2 tree icon

Nazilə Məmmədova
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 28.03.2024

2.00 ₼ / 2 tree icon

Elmar Məmmədov
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 28.03.2024

2.00 ₼ / 2 tree icon

Natiq Bağırlı
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 28.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Aygun Həsənova
Green Future 28.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Orxan Abidov
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 28.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Heydər Pəncəliyev
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 28.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Sariya Abidova
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 28.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Əzizə Bağırlı
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 28.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Qumru Abidova
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 28.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Aygub Hesenova
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 28.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Orxan Məmmədov
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 28.03.2024

2.00 ₼ / 2 tree icon

Günay Yusifova
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 31.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Şahin Yusifov
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 31.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Səadət Yusifova
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 31.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Turan A-ev
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 28.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Könül Allahverdiyeva
Green Future 28.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Əli Zeynallı
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 28.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Əlisəfa Zeynalov
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 28.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Ayşən Şıxalıyeva
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 28.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Bəxtiyar Dadasov
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 28.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Səbinə Bəxtiyarova
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 28.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Səidə Rəşidli
Green Future 28.03.2024

5.00 ₼ / 5 tree icon

Fərəh Cəlilova
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 28.03.2024

5.00 ₼ / 5 tree icon

Ələkbər Quliyev
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 28.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Çerkes Aslanov
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 28.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Kəmalə Qasımova
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 28.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Ağa Abasov
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 28.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Nurcan Allahverdiyeva
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 28.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Naid Həsənəliyev
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 28.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Səidə Abasova
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 28.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon

Teymur Seyidov
31 March - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis 28.03.2024

1.00 ₼ / 1 tree icon



The Sustainable Development Goals require countries to follow the principle of "leaving no one behind" and mobilize all their efforts to combat climate change over the years. United by these goals, we say no to futureless, uneven, technologically retarded development!